What is the Transitional Care Program (TCP)?

The Southern Cross Care (WA) Transition Care Program (TCP) offers short-term, goal-focused, low-intensity therapy in your home. It is designed to help you transition back into your home following a hospital stay.

Your Program Coordinator and the Multidisciplinary Team will work alongside you to set your goals, focusing on your personal targets to maintain or improve your physical and mental wellbeing.

The program provides a range of support services tailored to your needs and goals.

You will have access to our team of health professionals, including nurses, allied health (Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, etc), and our wonderful team of multi-skilled Support Workers.

Eligibility and Cost


To be eligible for TCP you will need a referral from a hospital social worker as well as an ACAT assessment.

You can access TCP even if you have a Home Care Package or Commonwealth Home Support program in place.


The majority of the cost is subsidised by the government; however you are required to pay a co-payment which has been set at 17.5% based on the single aged pension.

Support is available to those facing financial difficulties

Meet Derryle

Meet Derryle, our first client in our new Transitional Care Program which supports clients to transition back into the home after hospitalisation.

After spending 40 days in the hospital after a fall, Derryle has finally been able to return home safely with support from our Transitional Care team.

Through TCP, Derryle receives daily personal care, physiotherapy sessions five days a week, and clinical care twice a week.

“All staff are very friendly and have helped me. I want to stay at home for as long as possible and they have been very good.”

All staff are very friendly and have helped me. I want to stay at home for as long as possible and they have been very good. I want to say thank you to them.


Home Care

Learn about the home care services supporting the Transitional Care Program

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