Ensuring our consumers feel valued, heard and supported

At Southern Cross Care (WA) we understand how important it is for our clients, residents, and their families to feel valued, heard and supported. 

Every interaction we have with those who receive or are looking to receive our services is important to us.

We encourage clients, residents and their families to share their feedback, concerns or suggestions for improvement, so that we can continue to provide excellent services that meet the needs of all clients and residents.

Our residential aged care homes have dedicated feedback stations where people are encouraged to share their experiences and we offer the opportunity to participate in group listening circles and forums to share ideas and opinions.

In addition to this, we undertake regular consumer surveys to gain valuable feedback, and have a comprehensive feedback and complaints process.

We have introduced a Consumer Advisory Committee, who meet quarterly to share their ideas and opinions based on their lived experiences regarding our approach to service delivery and accommodation across residential care, mental health, home care, retirement living and disability services.

If you would like to provide feedback or a suggestion, click here.

Overview of the Consumer Advisory Committee

To further strengthen our engagement practices, we have established a Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC). 

We have recruited clients, residents, carers and family members with lived experiences of SCC (WA) services to join our Committee. 

The role of the Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) is to support improved communication between our consumers who have lived experiences with Southern Cross Care (WA) and our organisation’s Clinical Services and Governance Committee.  

The Chair of the CAC is a consumer representative.  They develop agendas with our management and Board as we partner to deliver on our consumer engagement plan.  The Chair their opinions, ideas and values on how we can improve future services and accommodation. 

The Chair also represents consumers at our monthly Clinical and Services Governance Committee meetings. 

Membership to the CAC is voluntary for all consumers and their representatives across all areas of our organisation includingretirement living, home care services, residential aged care, mental health and disability, and Southern Cross Housing.

The CAC meets every quarter. 

CAC group consumer advisory committee

Meet the SCC (WA) Consumer Advisory Committee

Interested in nominating for the Consumer Advisory Committee?

We are regularly seeking interested clients, residents, carers and family members to join our Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) as a committee member or Chair. 

If you would like to know more about joining our Consumer Advisory Committee you can register for an information pack here:Register here

You can also speak to your service manager or email your expression of interest to Tracey King, Head of Client Experience,tking@scrosswa.org.au. 

Overview of the Southern Cross Housing Tenants Advisory Committee

We pride ourselves on services that are co-designed by our clients – and our Southern Cross Housing Tenants Advisory Committee (TAC) plays a very important role in shaping our housing services.

Meeting quarterly, the TAC brings together our tenants from across metropolitan Perth to provide feedback, advice and ideas to improve service delivery and tenant participation.

The TAC are responsible for:

  • Representing tenants and providing constructive feedback
  • Providing ideas and advice on ways to improve tenant participation
  • Involvement in website, newsletters and general communication relating to housing
  • Providing advice on proposed changes in service delivery that may impact tenants.

We’re here to help.

Please get in touch if you’d like to talk about our services or enquire about available properties.

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