Services can be accessed through a Home Care Package (HCP), Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) or self-funded privately.

The Costs of Home Care

Home care funding options
Home Care Package
Under a Government funded HCP, the Government will pay for a certain number of hours of home care per week, with the number of hours varying depending on the package level the individual has been approved for following their ACAT assessment. Individuals may also be asked to make a small contribution to cost of their home care depending on their financial situation. A breakdown of this contribution and the current amount that can be paid by the Government can be accessed below.
Commonwealth Home Support Programme
Individuals who are eligible for CHSP will be required to pay a contribution to help with the cost of their services. As a CHSP service provider, Southern Plus receives funding from the Government, which we use to provide subsidised services. The amount individuals will be asked to contribute depends on their income and the type and number of services they need. Learn more by clicking the button below.
Short-Term Restorative Care
Those who are eligible for STRC, will also be required to contribute to the cost of their services if they can afford to do so. The amount individuals are required to pay may vary depending on the type of support services received. The costs are indexed to the age pension and are updated twice a year. A breakdown of the costs associated with CHSP can be found below.
Private funding
Individuals can also choose to pay for their services privately without any Government funding.
Choosing this option means they do not need an ACAT assessment and can start receiving services immediately. It also means they can choose which services they receive and how often.
Individuals then have the opportunity to move to a Government funded Home Care Package once they have completed an ACAT assessment and have been notified that a Government funded Home Care Package is available.