While an individual’s financial situation doesn’t affect their eligibility to live in a Government-subsidised aged care home, it will impact the amount they need to pay. Eligibility for residential aged care is based on need, determined through an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) health assessment. To be eligible for residential aged care, individuals must be unable to live independently at home.
Upon inquiry, individuals will need to provide their Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) form or reference number, which will confirm their eligibility for residential aged care. To access eligibility details please contact My Aged Care.
The Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) is made up of medical, nursing and allied health professionals who visit individuals and their families in their home to better understand the level of care a person might require. Applications for an ACAT assessment can be submitted through My Aged Care.
Once eligibility confirmation is received, individuals and their families can begin contacting residential aged care providers to find a home that best suits their lifestyle and needs.