Joint Statement between LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and Australia’s Aged Care Sector on LGBTQI+ rights in aged care.
Part of the statement reads: “It is everybody’s business − across all aged care services throughout Australia − to ensure that the rights and freedoms of LGBTI older people are upheld. This requires inclusive and respectful aged care services and practices that embrace the enormous diversity of LGBTI older people’s backgrounds, life experiences and individual characteristics.”
Full statement here –
Southern Cross Care (WA) is proud to join Catholic Health Australia and other aged care providers in supporting a joint statement between the Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) affirming the rights and needs of LGBTIQ+ people in aged care.
SCC (WA) CEO Clare Grieveson welcomed the statement, which ensures all people in aged care receive equal and respectful care where the love and friendship between two people is preserved.
“All people should be cared for with respect, compassion and sensitivity, and this statement reassures LGBTIQ+ older people that their choices, rights and freedoms are upheld and respected.
“As a not-for-profit aged care provider, SCC (WA) does not discriminate who we provide care to and who we accommodate in our facilities.
“Inclusive and respectful aged care services and practices are essential to ensure we meet the needs of all older people in aged care regardless of their background, life experiences or how they identify.”
The joint statement between aged care providers, their peak bodies and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia was commissioned by the Commonwealth Government following recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
Catholic Health Australia consulted widely across its membership on this statement and determined that it is in keeping with Catholic teachings and CHA’s 2014 Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care Services in Australia.