For the past three years, the young and the young at heart have come together at SCC’s, Jeremiah Donovan House (JDH) in Forrestfield as part of a successful intergenerational program.
Once a month, students and teachers from Community Kids High Wycombe, visit our residential aged care home for a session full of fun and activities with JDH residents including sing-a-longs, arts and crafts and storytelling.
JDH Occupational Therapist Janelle Green said the program provided significant benefits for the residents, as they are more positive and engaged with the children and enjoy the interaction and activity. Similarly, the children benefit from being around older adults and developing their social and communication skills.
“We developed the intergenerational program because research has shown that active and involved older people with close intergenerational connections experienced less depression, better physical health and higher levels of life satisfaction.
“We are delighted with how well the program has been received by JDH residents. They really look forward to having the children come to visit every month, and thoroughly enjoy connecting with the children through the activities they can do together,” Janelle said.
For more information on the program or any of our services call 1300 669 189.