Building our workforce for the future

To ensure the SCC Group is able to meet the needs of our ageing population, we have continued to implement a rigorous recruitment and training program across the organisation. In doing so we are ensuring that our staff are experienced and highly trained and able to deliver the best possible care and support to our residents and clients.



When recruiting new staff, John Hill, SCC‘s Head of Human Resources said the organisation was looking for qualified, experienced and passionate people who are ready to support our clients and transform our industry.

“We employ staff who are qualified and experienced and who are committed to the needs of consumers, have a person-centred approach to care, respect diversity and individuality, and are happy to uphold our values of respect, integrity, compassion and excellence.”


Learning and Development

SCC has a robust learning and development program for staff, which John says ensures that they are current in their skills and knowledge.

“This begins with our detailed onboarding process including site and corporate inductions and buddying (where appropriate) to ensure staff have all of the information they need to do their role to a high standard.

“All Care staff must have a minimum national qualification in aged care – the current qualification is CHC33015 Certificate lll in Individual Support – Ageing, in addition to the relevant experience. We also employ registered nurses, enrolled nurses and physiotherapists who have all achieved industry-recognised qualifications and are supported to complete ongoing professional development,” John said.

As part of their employment, staff must also undertake regular training via an online learning system. Staff are also required to complete assessments prior to commencement, then a range of role-specific modules and assessments throughout their employment. Some modules are completed annually to ensure best practice.

SCC also provides regular training sessions at all sites for staff to ensure they are up to date with industry best practice information. This includes monthly clinical updates by the registered nurses; dementia-specific training provided by our Dementia Services team and cultural awareness and diversity training for all staff.

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